Installing Canon Scanner D1550 or D1620 at Debco
This solution is to be performed by a System Administrator
Step 1. Find out which Canon Scanner the user wants access to
Step 2. Get the software from \\\dfs\software\Printers\Copiers\ and place it somewhere accessible like c:\temp on the user's computer.
Step 3. Log into the users computer as HPGadmin (get the password from LAPS)
Step 4. Install software from both folders and note the following during the installation.
a. Select Network Connection
b. Make sure to select the appropriate scanner - If you are presented with a list, ask the user which one sounds most appropriate.
c. De-Select Printer and Fax. Only have Scanner Selected
Step 5. Restart the users computer and have them login.
Step 6. Advise the user to have a co-worker show them how to scan.